Hi, I'm Ashlan!

Sentimentalist, empath, coffee addict.

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."

- Michael Scott


I'm a mother.

I never thought I would be the type to "settle" down and start a family, but alas, here I am. Surviving off of coffee. Juggling having a life outside of motherhood and also cleaning shit out of my bathtub. Nothing excites me and exhausts me more. My house is a mess majority of the time but if you ask me it's just "lived in." Home is my happy place because of my family. My husband and I have two wildly beautiful and amazing daughters who keep us on our toes. I'm trying so hard to slow down and really enjoy the little moments.

A mother wearing her wedding dress and kids tiara sitting on nugget drinking coffee while toddler breastfeeds

I'm a storyteller

Ever since I can remember I've loved reading and writing. My imagination has always been wild. I became enthralled with photography because it was like using my imagination to help capture the story of what I was seeing. Telling people's story with powerful photographs is something that has become a part of me. Seriously, my camera is like an extra appendage. My mom really kickstarted my love of family photography because of the collection of photo albums she has. There's no better gift than the gift of memories.


I'm a birth worker

Educating, advocating, supporting, and holding space are just a few things I do as a full- spectrum doula. A doula is a support person who provides physical and mental support through pregnancy and childbirth for the birthing person and their families. I work with people through any reproductive event they might need support with. I strongly believe that all bodies matter, all birth experiences matter, and everyone deserves to feel empowered and supported. I support ALL birthing people and pride myself for being inclusive to all bodies and all outcomes.


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